

Netuy - Full Stack Developer | Mar. 2023 - present (1 year 3 months)

  • Created web software solutions involving every step (planning, developing, auditing, deploying, validating).
  • Participated in a broad range of projects (Payment gateway, Whatsapp bot, survey module, file processing, and more).
  • Implemented automated integration testing standard used to date by the company.

Tata Consultancy Services - IT Technician | Aug. 2022 - Dec. 2022 (5 months)

  • Provided assistance to Microsoft customers having issues with Dynamics 365 CRM.
  • Worked daily in english with customers and teammates via email and meetings.
  • Constant troubleshooting and teamwork required to come up with a solution to the customers.


Holberton School Uruguay - Software engineering bootcamp | Sep. 2021 - Jul. 2022 (10 months)

  • 1st trimester: Git, Linux and Bash, Low level with C language. - github: here
  • 2nd trimester: High level with Python language, OOP, Algorithms. - github: here and here
  • 3rd trimester: Web Architecture, final project MVP (stockIT MVP). - github: here

Escuela Superior de Informática - Technical Higschool | 2016 - 2019

  • Introduction to Programming, OOP, Networks, Basic Linux and Bash, and MySQL


This Website :)

Full Stack Application | May. 2024 | github: here

Portfolio web application implementing the LAMP stack architecture (Linux, Apache2, Mysql, PHP). Deployed on AWS EC2. The project showcases a minimalist, fundamentals view of the MVC pattern. For more information refer to the This Website tab above.

stockIT MVP

Holberton School final team project | Jul. 2022 | github: here

(See my live presentation on youtube here!) In the span of 2 months, our team of four people designed, developed, deployed, and presented a Python Flask web-app that lets users manage their own online inventory, adding and updating products and branches, while also see graphs and charts generated by their data.
